Liposuction is the removal of excess and unwanted fat through tiny incisions and then removal by means of suction techniques. The art of liposuction expands on this basic principle, by aesthetically slimming, shaping, and sculpting to achieve beautiful contours. Skillful administration of this technique can achieve excellent results in areas that are otherwise unresponsive to training or diet. Liposuction is especially great for removing fat from "problem areas", like saddlebags, tummy, love handles!

Dr. Alexes Hazen on Liposuction | Board Certified Plastic Surgeon NYC
Before and After Photos of Liposuction with Dr. Hazen

Liposuction Procedure
Dr. Hazen performs liposuction in a fully accredited New York City operating facility to ensure her patients’ safety, comfort, and privacy. Dr. Hazen employs refined techniques and advanced technology to remove localized areas of fat and sculpt newly defined body contours.
Many patients choose to undergo liposuction in conjunction with a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or as part of a complete mommy (or daddy) makeover.
Who is a Candidate for Liposuction?
In general, good candidates for liposuction include:
Adults close to their ideal weight who have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone
Healthy individuals who do not have any medical conditions that can impair healing
Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for body contouring
If you are bothered by excess fat deposits located anywhere on your body that don't respond to diet or exercise, liposuction may be right for you.
Post Surgery Recovery
You will be required to wear a compressive garment surrounding the treatment area for twenty-four hours a day for a period of time following the procedure. This garment helps with swelling and comfort post-op and can be removed for bathing.
Most patients feel back to normal within a day or so after undergoing liposuction, depending upon the extent of the procedure and the number of areas treated. However, most patients have prolonged swelling and numbness that can take up to 3 months to resolve. Massage and activity can help this to resolve sooner. The results will be evident when swelling subsides and continue to improve in the weeks following the procedure.
Why Choose Dr. Hazen
Liposuction is more an art than a science and it's important to go to a plastic surgeon who has a good artistic eye! Dr. Hazen does, and she aims to understand your goals and desires. She helps you to begin a lifelong program so that your results will last forever! To ensure these long-lasting results, a diet and exercise program should be started after recovery. Dr. Hazen helps you stay on track for enduring and excellent results!
What to Expect From Your Consultation
Dr. Hazen takes a detailed history of any medical issues and conditions, including hospitalizations and medications taken. A physical exam is performed. Your goals and desires for surgery are explored and Dr. Hazen gives a comprehensive explanation of the surgical procedures that are possible for you, including complications and risks. She describes your individual recovery process. Now, you have the option to take your pre-operative photos (saves a visit). Dr. Hazen and you may explore any issues that are blocking or interfering with the surgery actually happening, including anxieties around it. Then your surgery plan is made with a timeline. If the procedure is not covered by insurance, you receive an estimated cost for the surgery and anesthesia.